Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Goals

It came to me that I should make goals and see if I can get them accomplished. So in no particular order, here's what I'm thinking:

1)Get my name out there.
2)Get a less-frustrating lens.
3)Get an Alien Bee.
4)Get a better camera body.
5)Get better at client relationships.
6)Perfect my work flow.
7)Find my niche.
8)Find cool locations.
9)Not get arrested (see #8)
10)Provide for my family well enough to become Full Time.

I figure all of those are going to be hard, so this isn't a goal for the next 3 months. I'll be happy if I can accomplish most of that list in 3 years. I think I should start posting a photo with each post, but I'll have to get my internet at home turned back on... That's where my pictures are.

My ex-whatever-she-is and I had a court appearance yesterday. Custody and Visitation is a really ugly thing. I don't agree with what she's doing any more than she agrees with what I'm doing. At least we got child support fixed last month. It'll be nice to not feel crushed financially. Now I'm just going to feel uncomfortably squeezed between two sumo wrestlers.

What's my third thing for today....? Oh, I saw some interest from a few marketing lures I put out there. By marketing lures.... uh... I mean that I announced my business page on Facebook to my friends. I know... I'm quite the marketing genius.... Or so incredibly scared that I made the page 3 months ago and just now showed my friends... Seriously. What am I afraid of?

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