Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Biography

I'm always fascinated to see a great video biography. I was the kid that loved the History Channel when we had it, and mourned it's loss when we had to cut back when I was little. In college, I made sure to get it again. Now that I'm a husband and father I feel a sense of entitlement towards getting it again, but I can't... So whenever I see a small biography video online or in a blog post somewhere I'm compelled to watch it.

I keep thinking that I should make small videos to add to my website... I'm not entirely sure why: I feel like I'd just be an idiot on film. But I want people to be able to connect with me and see who I am... Even if it means that they don't like what they see. I realize I don't have a personality that everyone likes and that's okay... but I think I'm getting tired of "letting my photos do the talking".... It feels like they're talking in Latin when everyone just knows English.... It really feels like no one knows what I'm talking about and maybe a video of me for a small biography would help. But I think it would only help if it really is ME talking... and not just talking about surface stuff... I need something personal to say.

I've tried just talking out loud and telling my stories, but it always feels like I'm tooting my own horn... Not the triumphant stories of grandeur, but more along the lines of how many times I've screwed things up and had to recovery from the mistake. I think everyone has a lot of those stories but for some reason we all hide them and we try to fake being perfect. None of us are perfect; We make mistakes daily. Is anyone interested in hearing my mistakes and how I have no clue what I'm doing? An artist statement with some "woe is me" sprinkled with "I got some cool ideas?"

In any case, here is the video that inspired this post.

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